Delight @ Keio SFC-RG
Keio University Nakamura Joint Lab. Delight Group
Delight group is a research group of the Nakamura Joint Research Group at SFC, Keio University, focusing on decentralized and distributed systems. With the spread of the Internet, issues arising from the reliability of information circulating in cyberspace are becoming apparent rapidly. In collaboration with the Data Architecture Lab at Keio Research Institute at SFC, we are working on solving issues of decentralized and distributed systems and on research activities in various application fields.
If you are interested in our research, please check the following page.
Research Topics:
Decentralized and Distributed Systems
- Digital Identity
- Verifiable Data Architecture
- Network Architecture
Digital Identity
Digital identity is a set of information in cyberspace that is associated with entities in the real world. Technologies related to digital identity play a significant role as a bridge between cyberspace and physical space. We are discussing and researching the architecture of digital identity infrastructure and the feasibility of self-sovereign identity from the viewpoint of "trust."
Verifiable Data Architecture
To developing digital civilization, It is essential to ensure the reliability of the information we communicate over the Internet. In particular, it is important to verify the authenticity of data that describes certain information and to efficiently process the described information (machine readability). We are researching system architectures that apply data models based on Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers, which W3C is standardizing.
Network Architecture
Knowledge of computers and networks is essential when discussing digital identities and verifiable data architectures, including distributed systems, network security, and communication protocols. At Delight, we build our network systems from physical machines for research purposes, and they also build and operate virtual machines in the network to test and experiment with software they have created. Students can acquire knowledge of both hardware and software.
Our new journal paper by Ryosuke Abe, project research associate, et al. is published in IEEE Access
Ryosuke Abe, project research associate, won the Best Paper Award at the Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2023.
Delight will exhibit at SFC Open Research Forum 2023
Announcement of reforming a new group "Delight": Kumo and Bcali are now togther.
A Conceptual Model for Claim Validation Based on Cryptographically Signed Data
Mitigation of Seller and Buyer's Dilemma with Transaction History and Escrow
A System for Selective Disclosure of Information about a Patient with Intractable Disease
A new scheme combining zk Rollup on top of Optimistic Rollup to make transactions cheaper without compromising security
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Delta build. North, Keio University SFC