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We are pleased to announce that Ryosuke Abe, a project research associate in our group, presented a paper at the Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2023 and won the Best Paper Award. In this study, they measured the parties' attitudes in the order transaction on the blockchain-based escrow service by the visualizing transaction history, and they designed an incentive mechanism to make the parties behave honestly.
Nakamura Joint Laboratory Delight Group will exhibit at SFC Open Research Forum 2023.
We are pleased to announce that Kumo and Bcali, which are parts of SFC-RG groups, have been merged into a new group, "Delight", following the developmental dissolution of both of them. The new group "Delight" will continue the activities of Kumo and Bcali, especially focus on research and development related to "distributed systems" and "decentralized systems".
© 2023 Keio University Nakamura Joint Lab. Delight Group