論文・発表 一覧

※グループ統合前の前身グループである Kumo・Bcali 時代に掲載された論文を含みます.

Mitigation of Seller and Buyer's Dilemma with Transaction History and Escrow

In this paper, to estimate the risk of economic loss incurred by both parties in production order transactions, we propose a scheme that enables escrow and confirmation of the results without relying ...
Ryosuke Abe,Seiyo Kurita,Mariko Kobayashi,Shigeya Suzuki
Proceedings of the 18th Asian Internet Engineering Conference 2023 (AINTEC '23), ACM
Dec 2023

A System for Selective Disclosure of Information about a Patient with Intractable Disease

To receive effective treatment during emergency response due to seizures or unforeseen accidents, a patient with intractable diseases must disclose information about their disease to an emergency phys...
Erika Sugita,Ryosuke Abe,Shigeya Suzuki,Keisuke Uehara,Osamu Nakamura
2023 IEEE 47th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
Jul 2023

A new scheme combining zk Rollup on top of Optimistic Rollup to make transactions cheaper without compromising security

Transaction processing capacity limits the utility of Ethereum, one of the most well-known blockchain mainly used as a decentralized application. To enable more diverse applications, it is required to...
Ko Kikuchi
Mar 2023

Textual Summarization system of Human Personalities from Video

This project proposes a system that identifies and analyzes the human personalities from the long video with 2 persons having a conversation. This will be accompanied by a labeling system that correct...
Yubin Kwon
Sep 2022

Detection of Sleep Processes Through Sound Recognition

Even though numerous people face problems with current alarm clocks which only creates loud noise to wake up, when searched for “Interactive Alarm Clocks”, there are only few studies done, mainly base...
Seo yeon Jung
Sep 2022

Analysis on Cricket and Match Prediction

Over the years, there has been intense scrutiny over a specific aspect of cricket - a coin toss. Ever since the beginning of cricket, coin toss has always been an integral part of the rules ever since...
Krithika Paremeswaran
Sep 2022

Fabchain: Managing Audit-able 3D Print Job over Blockchain

Improvements in fabrication devices such as 3D printers are becoming possible for personal fabrication to freely fabricate any products. To clarify who is liable for the product, the fabricator should...
Ryosuke Abe,Shigeya Suzuki,Kenji Saito,Hiroya Tanaka,Osamu Nakamura,Jun Murai
2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC)
May 2022


Mar 2022


Mar 2022


Internet of Things(IoT) と呼ばれる、インターネットに接続されたコンピュータの数が急速に増え、2025 年には 300 億台を超えると予測されている。一方で、IoT デバイスのセキュリティとプライバシーに関するハッキングによる被害は急増し、対策方法が課題となっている。ホームセキュリティやベビーモニターとして利用される IoT デバイスであるネットワークカメラは、ハッキング被害...
Mar 2022
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